As Good As Your Life Will Ever Get

Word count:2054

hey this is Leo for actualised org and this if this goes it gets that's the block topic for today now actually I'm in a pretty gorgeous place right now with this waterfall behind me so I can't complain it's pretty nice right here but my point is that this moment right now for you wherever you're sitting wherever you're watching this video whatever it is that you're doing this moment right now it's as good as that ever is gonna get for you ever in your life this as good as your life is gonna ever get now is that true well not entirely right there's a lot of things you can do to improve your life maybe right now you're sitting there at your computer you're watching this and you don't have the career that you want to have or you don't have the fitness level that you want to have or you don't have the relationship that you want to have or whatever is missing in your life that's something that you think that you're gonna go out there you're gonna pursue you're gonna treat for yourself and you can go out and do that and I encourage you to do that that's what all all that I'm about that's what this actualize that org is about but there's another side to this whole equation and that is that even if you get all that stuff right now what it feels like to be you right now is basically as good as your life is gonna get now this is something that I've been telling myself as a little affirmation or as a little reminder not to look too far into the future expecting some sort of climactic event to happen in my life where I feel like oh you know I've got everything that I wanted and now I'm at the top and now I can just coast you know isn't that it's not kind of like us that we're pursuing something and we think that when we get it we're gonna get it and we're gonna capitalize on it we're just gonna like lock that lock that thing down and we're gonna sit on it and we're gonna be happy and our life is gonna be blissful but how often does that actually work for you be honest how many times have you gone after something that you really really really wanted and then in the end you got it and then it's like what's next and then what's next and then what's next and you're always thinking like well I'm not happy right now but as soon as I get that thing I got that promotion I'll be happy as soon as I get $100,000 in my bank account I'll be happy as soon as I get medical insurance from my employer I'll be happy as soon as I buy a house I'll be happy as soon as I invested my 401k I'll be happy or whatever it is right it doesn't really matter the fact is that your brain is wired in such a way that basically what it feels like to be you right now it's pretty much how it's gonna feel no matter what whether you win a million dollars whether you have the best job in the world whether you've started your own business whatever it is you know whether you're you've got a six-pack and you're ripped if that's what you're going for you know you'll think you can have all those things you can pursue them but in the end how is it actually gonna feel for you do a little thought experiment just kind of imagine yourself already having that thing that you want and just kind of bask in it and you'll you'll notice that if you really kind of get into it and do that visualization that you still kind of feel the way that you feel now and then that that feeling that you have right now is is what's really crucial and if you can get your head around that if you can figure out how to be happy right now in the moment that you're in just in your body right now right without having to have anything extra added on to it without having to have a career at it onto it without having to be someplace without having to travel to some exotic country or whatever if you can't just be happy by yourself sitting alone in a blank kind of bare sterile room then you're never gonna be happy and that is why I pursue self-development is because for me happiness doesn't come from without it comes from within so I know that if I'm sitting there in a room by myself and I'm not happy that tells me oh I got to work on something in myself rather than going out there and trying to put an external solution on it because that external solution is just a titillation it's a stimulation right it's something that's going to distract you from ultimately what you're running away from and what you're running away from is the fact that you can't really stand to be yourself you can't stand to be alone by yourself with your experience of of the now and as long as you're running away from that you're never gonna be happy because one thing we'll hope will stave it off for a little bit then the next thing that you acquire will stave it off but you can't really keep that up and in the end everything you acquire is gonna feel unfulfilled it's gonna feel empty and it's gonna feel shallow and Hollow because you haven't developed yourself from within to generate your own good emotions and it's not like you need anything special to do that you don't need anything add it on in fact you probably what you need to do is you need to take some stuff out you probably need to take out some beliefs that you have etc etc etc to get down just to the fact that you can be satisfied just being yourself right now in the moment in silence being calm just the way I am right now and it's basically like a form of meditation right that's why meditation is so hard do it do it right now after you watch this video sit down for twenty minutes and just sit in your room eyes open without any distractions just in peace and quiet and see if you can just if your body can and your mind can tolerate that or are you gonna start to feel antsy are you gonna start to feel Restless are you gonna have to deal with with different thoughts that are waging war on your mind if you can't just be happy right now what makes you think you're gonna be happy when you get something that you're that you're thirsting after right now you know like a career better career or you get your fitness in shape or whatever else so this is something I like to tell myself when I'm pursuing some sort of goal that I have because I am very goal-driven and I have goals that I am pursuing in my life and I do believe that my life will improve so there's there's kind of a paradox here it's on the one hand your life is perfect as it is right now I gotta get any better on the other hand you can make some drastic changes to make it much much more improved right how do you reconcile that well the way I reconcile it is this is that I do pursue goals and I do add some to my life that creates this ecosystem where I can feel good about myself I can go out and I can do traveling if that's what I want to do where I have enough money to buy this stuff I want to buy and I have the comforts that I want to have but ultimately that stuff is it's like the dressing right it's not the meat and potatoes the meat potatoes is working on yourself and just being able to be comfortable in the moment right just being able to be comfortable in the moment whatever it takes for you to do that and that can be an involved process it's not something that you change overnight this is something you develop meditation is a great habit to take up to start to get you comfortable just being in the moment without a lot of titillation and stimulus from the environment because one of most people do most people distract themselves with friends TV news events that are going on shopping partying drugs food alcohol all these things are ways to distract you and to titillate you but all of them are also shallow and if you've engaged in one of those to an extreme you know that you can go out and party all you want you can go drink all you want you go eat all you want and that will give you a temporary like a temporary good feeling but it's not gonna be a solid sustainable good feeling so it's not gonna lead to lasting happiness laughing happiness comes comes from someplace deeper within yourself so whenever I'm pursuing a goal and I pursue my goals very vigorously and I have a lot of them so when I am pursuing them sometimes it's good to just pause and I will tell myself I'll just kind of pause and I'll say you know what it's not gonna get any better than it is right now and sure I'll get that goal I know I'll get that goal if I work towards it but like the inner experience the satisfaction that I'm feeling it's just kind of when I say that it's not gonna get any better than it is right now it kind of brings me back he grounds me in the fact that the moment is really the most important thing and enjoying the moment and sometimes I'll have this tendency where I'm thirsting after a goal I'm working towards it and I work too hard and I tend to to be so focused on the goal that I that I produced track of the journey right it's that old saw about life is a journey rather than a destination but how many times do we forget that and we focus on the destination so much that the journey becomes painful the journey becomes a grind and so in those moments when you start to feel down on yourself we start to feel like stuffs not clicking for you not working you know it's that's that's a good time to step back and just say it's not gonna get any better than it is right now so I can still pursue my goals I can still do the stuff I want to do but I can also pace it you know stretch it out a little bit more give myself some more time take the pressure off of myself so that I can also enjoy the process because the fact is that you might die tomorrow and if all you're doing is you have your head to the grindstone and you're always grinding away you're always driving away and you're always working whatever it is that you're working towards if you're always doing that you're gonna be resentful of the fact that you're not taking in all the beauty that's around you in the present moment and you don't need to be out by a waterfall to have Beauty really I'm out here but it's actually a good example is that you don't need this to feel good about yourself you should be able to feel everything that you can feel here you should be able to feel that sitting in a bare empty room all right so that's it for this video on being in the moments and that this is as good as it's gonna get for you it's not getting any better you